Services & Programs

Services & Programs

Five14 Revolution encourages hope, healing, and freedom through two distinct program tracts:

Approach 1

Restoration House:

Our clients are provided safe and secure housing, medical care, medication assistance, mental health treatment, individual trauma-informed counseling, group trauma therapy, victim advocacy, education/GED assistance, transportation, life skills training, legal assistance, and access to community services all at no cost to the survivor.

Approach 2

Outreach Center:

Clients participating in our program who are not living in our provided housing will receive rental assistance at one of our partner recovery houses. They will have access to the same services as our Restoration House clients on an as-needed basis. 

Restoration House

Restoration House is a three-phase 120-day residential program with a focus on rest and recovery. Phase 1 is a 30-day trial period where initial needs are assessed, physical and mental health screenings are conducted, and long-term goals are set. During Phase 2 clients work through a life skills curriculum, emotional regulation, and workforce preparation. Phase 3 consists of incorporating a GED curriculum, financial management skills, vocational rehab, and developing an exit strategy for their transition. Trauma-informed therapy is provided throughout a client's stay at Restoration House.


Outreach Center

Clients who qualify for our program, but do not meet the criteria for the Restoration House are eligible for services and programs provided through our Outreach Center. Some of these services include: rental assistance through partner recovery houses, individual trauma-informed therapy, group trauma therapy, access to medical care, substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, life skills training, transportation assistance and legal assistance. All of the services and programs are offered at no cost to the client. 

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